Wednesday, February 23, 2011


This assignment required that we take various images and make a hybrid. Like most of the class I thought an animal would be very cool.  I started with the head of a wolf and went from there, adding animals that i thought matched with it. I was kind of inspired by several mythical animals (werewolf, minotaur). I like my animal but I had trouble deciding if i should use the wings or not.

Friday, February 18, 2011

green image

In this assignment we were given 15 green images and had to make a picture using only by modifying the given images. I decided the best way to make a not lame picture would be to try to make it sort of realistic rather than abstract. I'm happy with the way it turned out and think everything looks good, however i would have put the car on the street in the back if i did it again.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Music Assignment

In this assignment we had to use a set of given layers and alter them to create a unique picture. I looked around in photoshop for cool tools and found a way to apply them like the interesting brushes with the eraser. I'm pretty satisfied with the result and wouldn't do much differently.