Friday, March 25, 2011


This is a picture where we had to create a 3x3 image of ourselves and apply different filters and such to make something cool. I just used my favorites filters. It was very similar to the 2x2 project that we did. If i changed something i would distort the pictures even more and maybe reorient them.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

4 Square

This assignment required that we take a single image repeated in four squares and modified so that each image was slightly different. I did this mostly through the filters which have some pretty cool effects. The first one is of a hotdog. All the images have been modified with some filter and transformed so they form and X. The second is of a shark, which is way scarier than a bear. I think it looks cool, especially the glowing edges effect. The shark one could use some more variety.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Visual Puns

In this assignment we had to create a visual pun. I chose several which i thought would be entertaining to make, chocolate mousse, deviled egg, killer bee, and play on words. I wasn't very inspired by anything, they were just the images I imagined when i thought of the phrase. I like how they turned out and just wish i found a more efficient way of making the block letters in play on words.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

silhouette stuff

I wasn't exactly sure what i was supposed to do in this assignment, but i knew it involved words an silhouettes and at least one of them had to be about us. I was inspired by power rangers and winning which go together like peanut butter and jelly. I should have spent more time on this and warped the words which i would do now but i would have to delete this and then delete the jpeg and open the original and warp it and then save it then save it as a jpeg and reload it and type more stuff.